Community Reminders

The speed limit in the community is 20 MPH. Please make sure all drivers in your household, guests, and service providers abide by this restriction.

It is each homeowner’s responsibility to control the weeds in and maintain the rock drainage swales on the back of properties on Lancashire and North Dunbarton Oaks.

It is also required that homeowners keep their back hillsides maintained in an appropriate manner in compliance with the City of Liberty Lake Ordinance #85 which includes making sure weeds are curtailed and grasses appropriately trimmed.

Pets. Homeowners are solely responsible for their pet(s), and must not leave them unattended in their yard, allow them to enter neighbor’s yards, or to roam free and unleashed. Please remember to collect and dispose of your pet’s waste properly.

Street Parking. No commercial-type trucks, campers, trailers, motor homes, boats or motorcycles shall be parked or permitted to remain on any lot, unless the same is stored or placed in a garage, nor may such vehicles be parked overnight on any street adjoining any lot. If you have overnight guests, they should preferably park in your driveway or in the common parking spaces near the townhomes/mailboxes.

Garbage Cans. Garbage cans are not to be stored outside except the evening before and the day of collection. Garbage and recycling pick-up day is Monday.

Lamppost Pillars. Since our only nighttime illumination is from the lampposts in front of every home, please
make certain you replace any burnt out bulbs as soon as possible. Please contact the Board if you need assistance with this task.

Golf Carts. Please comply with all Liberty Lake rules and ordinances regarding equipment and the age of
drivers and ensure the carts are operated safely and appropriately.

Noise. Be courteous and aware of noises that can bother your neighbors (barking dogs, parties, operating lawn equipment in early morning or late evening hours, motorcycles, loud auto mufflers, etc.)

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